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Grand Rapids, MI 49525

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(616) 227-0051

Did you know that for SEO purposes that there should be 300 or more words on a page?  I found that to be interesting, especially on a “Contact” page!  Regardless, I have plenty to say, so that should not be a problem.  Consequently, stick with the K.I.S.S. method, make sure that you make a plan AND follow it, and you will be better off than the vast majority of people!  I look forward to a day when the financial services industry is about service, rather than sales.  Certainly, my fellow analytical friends will appreciate this! A

Additionally, society, in general, would be much better off if individuals kept their hard-earned retirement funds, rather than paying for high-cost, high-commission products from a sales person that does not have an individuals best interest in mind. Consequently, people would have more to spend in, and through, retirement.  Additionally, the Social Security system would likely be less strained.  Next, grandparents could more readily help future generations financially (assist with college, give basic financial advice, etc.).

But, for now, I digress.  My 300 word quota has been met.  Thank you, dear friend, for your time, and please forgive me for the extra, somewhat unnecessary, transition words.  First, yes. Next, maybe. Consequently, I will consider it, because I can.  Finally, this is a waste.

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